Saturday, August 18, 2012


Media Relations
With a database of over 1000 press contacts in Tanzania, we can secure press across various formats. We’re always on the lookout for great opportunities for our clients. Bizquest Consultancy are also able to conduct media training or editor’s briefing with the client who can then understand the media better. Amongst targeting across borders we also have media contacts with international media and link with our partners and organize for media coverage in Africa and now entering Europe.

Digital Campaigns
Each digital campaign is tailored individually for each artist/band according to genre, level and budget. We also partner with social media companies that are found in Tanzania and globally to ensure that the client is getting value for money services. We target all the major online news, lifestyle, Social media and Alternative Press; lifestyle magazines. You can select us to work on a local/regional/national or international campaign.

Crisis Management
Bizquest Consultancy works together with the client during a crisis and sees how best they can contain the situation with the media. Having the relationships with the editors with the media houses helps to contain the crisis that is happening at that time.

Press Conferences
Bizquest Consultancy organizes press conferences and we take press conferences and make it innovative and see how best we can help deliver the client’s goal. We aim at having the message delivered to the media in the best way possible.

We specialize in workshops and aim to get coverage from the workshops that are informative and the client is able to speak of the workshop.

Media Tours
In order to get the client to increase their media relations we also arrange media tours with the client.

Strategy in PR
Looking at the current market and brainstorming within the agency, Bizquest Consultancy looks at the current market and is able to come up with a strategy that will best fit the client.

Event activations
During activations Bizquest Consultancy are able to create stories around your activations and maximize the PR opportunity.

Image Analysis Reports
Bizquest Consultancy has the expertise of creating the Image analysis in your industry. The image analysis report is able to tell you how your competitors are fairing up in terms of coverage in print, TV and radio. This report is delivered to you at the end of the month. This report is available in any category.

Communication Proposals
For PR practitioners who would like to have a communication proposal prepared we are able to prepare the proposal according to your brief. Bizquest Consultancy has experience with major companies including telecom, health and agricultural and is able to create a proposal that will awe your client.

Media Monitoring
Bizquest Consultancy monitors all media by working with a media monitoring company that monitors all media that includes print, TV, radio and digital media.

Copy writing
Bizquest Consultancy has experience in getting involved in checking content in newsletters and making sure that there are no errors.

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